CLASSMATE: Brand Personality and Celebrity Endorsement



Brand personality is a set of human characteristics that are attributed to a brand name. A brand personality is something to which the consumer can relate; an effective brand increases its brand equity by having a consistent set of traits that a specific consumer segment enjoys

Evaluating Classmate's Brand Personality following relate to the brand -

Sincerity-  Classmate has sincerity as their primary attribute as its products are genuine, cheerful, wholesome, and down-to-earth . With its products it provides a sense of generosity as  for every four Classmate notebooks purchased, ITC contributes 1 to its social development initiative that supports primary education.

Exciting: It considers brands  that often  appeal to a younger demographic and classmate products are made especially for the young generation.

Competence - Classmate is the qualified leader in its segment as it provides a sense of intelligence and successfulness. 


Celebrity branding or celebrity endorsement is a form of advertising campaign or marketing strategy which uses a celebrity's fame or social status to promote a product, brand or service, or to raise awareness about an issue.

Classmate, ITC’s Education & Stationery Products brand  signed Yuvraj Singh, stylish Indian team left hand bat and Soha Ali khan,  as its Brand Ambassadors for its entire range of products. 

Although for many of its TV Ads it uses school going children to be more relatable with the kids of same age and spread a more positive impact with different hashtags such as -

#Be better than yourself 

#One of a kind                                                                                                                                          

#Be all that you can


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